Set Fears Aside With Sedation Dentistry
At Esthetic Smile Dental Care, sedation dentistry in Reseda will allow you to relax and move past any bad dental experiences you have had
Having dental fears or anxious moments thinking about sitting in a dental chair? Put your past dental experiences behind you because they do not reflect modern day gentle dentistry. Did you know that Esthetic Smile Dental Care in Reseda offers several options for sedation or pain free dentistry? These choices include laughing gas, oral medications for relaxation, and IV sedation dentistry, so you can sleep through your dental visit. All forms of sedation dentistry are very effective. Both laughing gas and oral sedation leave you awake but you will not know or remember anything about the dental procedure. IV sedation dentistry actually puts you to sleep, so you are not awake for the dental treatment that you will be receiving. As you talk about sedation options with our dentist Dr. Jacob Vayner in Reseda, the discussion will focus on the nature of your procedure and the sedation application that is best suited for both the dental work to be done and your level of anxiety. If you are reluctant to have dental services provided due to fear, we can help. Let us provide you with a relaxing, comfortable and safe dental environment where we practice pain free dentistry. Don’t let your dental health suffer or live with chronic tooth pain. Call us now at 818-344-4929 for an appointment with our capable and experienced dentist at Esthetic Smile Dental Care in Reseda.