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Dental implant repair offers hope to those who have faced issues with their dental implants. It represents a significant advancement in modern dentistry, providing a second chance to restore both functionality and confidence in your smile. With our team, rest assured that the process of repairing your dental implant will bring back your healthy, radiant smile and an improved quality of life.

Coming to terms with a damaged dental implant can be disheartening, but it’s crucial to remain composed and recognize that broken dental implants are exceptionally uncommon. In most cases, it’s more likely that a component of the implant, such as the connection holding the crown or denture, has suffered a setback or become loose. In this post, we will take you through the essential steps to address this issue, ensuring you’re well-informed about your options and can make informed decisions to restore your dental implant’s functionality.

Addressing Failed Dental Implants

Dental implant failure resulting from peri-implantitis is typically managed by sterilizing the implant site and removing infected tissue. In situations where inadequate jawbone mass is responsible for implant failure, a bone graft becomes a necessary prerequisite before your dentist can replace the dental implant with a new one. A bone graft aims to augment the volume and density of your jawbone in areas where bone loss has occurred.

Can a Fractured Dental Implant Be Fixed?

Indeed, a damaged or malfunctioning dental implant can be restored. A proficient dentist will employ a specific composite material to perform the necessary repairs to rectify a chipped dental implant. However, if the damage is extensive, replacing the entire dental implant may become necessary. Prior to inserting a new dental implant, you might need to undergo a bone graft procedure to strengthen your bone and ensure there’s sufficient jawbone density.

Recognizing Indications of Dental Implant Failure

Dental implant failure presents through five typical symptoms:

  • Intense pain or discomfort
  • Swollen gums
  • Difficulty chewing or biting
  • Gum recession around the implant
  • Loosening of the implant

Accurate diagnosis of the cause of implant failure can be achieved through an X-ray examination. Determining the most suitable treatment for dental implant repair follows this diagnostic process.

Unraveling the Causes of Dental Implant Failure

A retrospective study published in the Journal of Oral Medicine and Oral Surgery has revealed a 3.11% failure rate for dental implant surgery. Early dental implant failure is frequently attributed to factors like surgical trauma, infection, insufficient jawbone mass, sinus complications, and a lack of primary stability. In contrast, peri-implantitis, occlusal overload, nerve or tissue damage, and failed osseointegration are common causes of dental implant failure occurring after ten years.

Deficiencies in Implant-to-Bone Bonding

Osseointegration, a critical process in which dental implant posts fuse with your jawbone, can be compromised due to changes in the treatment plan that hinder the initial bonding between the implant surface and the surrounding bone. Other contributing factors to failed osseointegration include contamination, improper implant placement, low-quality implant materials, trauma during or following surgery, inadequate healing, early loading of the implant, and the body’s rejection of foreign objects due to allergies.

Inadequate Bone Density

Adequate bone health and mass are pivotal factors influencing the success of dental implant surgery. A lack of jawbone density can lead to implant instability and ultimately result in dental implant failure. Before embarking on the implant procedure, your implant dentist, such as myself, will assess the condition of your bone. If there’s insufficient bone, a bone grafting or sinus lift procedure may be performed before the implant is placed. Bone grafting is a surgical procedure that bolsters bone density by utilizing bone from your own body.

Managing Infections

The most frequent cause of failed dental implants is infection at the implant site. An infection characterized by swelling of the peri-implant mucosa and progressive bone loss, known as peri-implantitis, is the usual culprit. It arises from bacterial growth near the dental implant, just beneath the gum line. The severity and location of the infection dictate the treatment approach. Gum infections caused by bacteria may require medications or soft tissue grafts, while bone infections necessitate implant removal and the removal of affected bone tissue, followed by bone and soft tissue grafts.

Peri-implantitis Symptoms

Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory condition that results in the gradual loss of the jawbone surrounding the dental implant. Symptoms of peri-implantitis include:

  • Discomfort near the dental implant site
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes
  • Pus discharge from the tissues surrounding the implant
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • Bleeding at the gum line
  • Slight mobility or loosening of your dental implant
  • Deeper periodontal pockets around the implant
  • Exposure and visibility of the implant threads beneath
  • Nerve or Tissue Damage

On occasion, an oral surgeon may unintentionally place a dental implant too close to a nerve. This can lead to numbness, tingling, or discomfort in your face, tongue, lips, and gums. Ignoring this issue is not advisable, as it may affect your ability to eat and drink normally. If you experience numbness or pain, it’s essential to promptly visit your dentist since nerve or tissue problems require immediate attention.

Addressing Sinus Complications

Inflammatory byproducts of acute sinusitis can adversely affect the bone graft material’s osteoconduction, bone remodeling, and the osseointegration of dental implants, ultimately leading to dental implant failure. Perforation of the sinus can also result in implant failure. Symptoms of sinus perforation following dental implant surgery include a whistling noise while breathing, nasal pressure, breathing difficulties, loss of smell, and bloody discharge. Small perforations of one or two millimeters are manageable, but larger perforations often lead to chronic problems. Some individuals who experience sinus perforation after dental implant placement may require the removal of the crown, bone grafting, healing of the site, and the installation of a replacement implant.

It’s common to experience post-operative pain after receiving dental implants, which typically subsides within 3 to 5 days. However, in some cases, persistent or worsening pain for weeks after dental implant surgery may occur. If you’re experiencing pain related to dental implants, I recommend consulting with your oral surgeon or dentist as it may signify an underlying issue.

Addressing a Broken Dental Implant Crown

A dental implant crown, which is an artificial tooth affixed to a dental implant, offers strength and durability comparable to a natural tooth. Nevertheless, actions like biting hard candies, chewing ice, or nail-biting can lead to chipping, cracking, or breaking of the implant crown. In case your crown sustains damage, impressions of your mouth will be taken and forwarded to a dental lab for the creation of a new crown to replace the previously damaged one.

Handling a Damaged Dental Implant Abutment

A dental implant abutment, functioning as a metal connector firmly attached to your dental implant, plays a vital role in securing the dental implant crown in place. In cases where the abut

How to Repair a Damaged Dental Implant Crown

A dental implant crown functions as an artificial tooth securely attached to a dental implant, endowing it with the same strength and durability as a natural tooth. Nonetheless, indulging in hard candies, nail-biting, or chewing ice can result in the chipping, cracking, or breakage of the implant crown. In cases where the crown sustains damage, the process typically involves taking impressions of your oral cavity, which are then dispatched to a dental lab. Here, a brand-new crown is meticulously crafted to replace the one that has been previously damaged.

Repairing a Damaged Dental Implant Abutment

A dental implant abutment serves as the crucial metal connector affixed to your dental implant, firmly securing the dental implant crown in place. Abutments, due to wear and tear, may develop cracks. In situations where the abutment has sustained damage, your dentist will typically undertake the task of repairing the abutment rather than necessitating an overhaul of the entire implant structure. You will also like to learn Pros and Cons of Dental Implants besides its repairing.

Assessing the Success Rate of Dental Implants

Research published in the International Journal of Implant Dentistry reports a success rate of 90–95% for implant placement. Several factors contribute to the success of dental implant surgery, including the expertise of the treating dentist, the patient’s overall oral and general health, the quality of dental implant materials, and the absence of periodontal diseases and significant medical conditions.

Preventing Complications in Dental Implant Procedures

Avoiding complications in dental implant procedures is achievable by adhering to your dentist’s post-surgery instructions to facilitate the healing process. Regular follow-up appointments are essential to allow your dentist to monitor the progress of your treatment. Maintaining consistent oral hygiene practices is imperative to minimize the risk of complications with your dental implant. Additionally, if you are a smoker, quitting is highly recommended, as smoking can impede the recovery process.

What to know about Dental Implants besides repair and care it?

Dental implants are permanent tooth replacements anchored into the jawbone. Placement of implant requires a healthy jawbone for successful integration. The procedure involves surgical placement, followed by a healing period. Afterward, regular oral hygiene and dental visits are crucial for maintenance. Implants can restore functionality, prevent bone loss, and improve confidence.

Dr. Jacob Vayner at Esthetic Smile Dental Care has over 19 years of experience in dental implant surgery since 2011. Make an appointment with Dr. Vayner so that he can identify the cause of the implant failure and determine the best treatment for dental implant repair for you.